With Marvel releasing both Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger this summer, you can expect plenty of movie related action figures to hit store shelves. While not all the figures have to do with their movie counterpart, I think they’re still worth checking out. Even though some of you aren’t on board with the look of Thor, I think everything looks fantastic. Also, hypothetically speaking, if I were to have spoken to a few people that saw a test screening of Thor, they might have told me the film was great. I can’t wait to see it for myself. With any and all big summer movies, we have to have the action figure tie-in. Mania premiered many of the Captain America toys back in February at Toy Fair. Most of those releases were your standard movie toys and toys to keep the play time experience going. The Captain America figure, complete with snowboard, is a prime example. Mania compiled a list of 10 Great Captain America Toys to commemorate the first Avenger’s first movie. None of these feature Captain America with a snowboard.

From the 1970’s comes one the first Captain America dolls/ figures ever. Star Wars hadn’t brought about the 3.75 revolution yet, so this was as good as you were going to get. It was pretty cool as there was a Captain America Car for old Cap and, if you can believe it, a Falcon doll/ figure, too. Hot Toys recently announced that they will be releasing a 1/6th scale Captain America Limited Edition Collectible Figurine. The price will be steep and he will probably not be around until too much later (which is why he is so high on the list). He looks incredible, but in this economy we’ll go with a cheaper version.
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